
Boise State Senior Design Showcase - 2024

Role: Creative Director

Responsibilities: Visual Identity Creation, Marketing Lead

Creative Direction

I had the opportunity to be one of the Creative Directors for the Boise State Senior Design Showcase. The role was a combination of creating the message, defining the brand and the visual identity, leading my class along the process of putting on an event, and leading the marketing, social media, and networking campaign. 

Message + Metaphor

The metaphor behind Prismatic was to create a relationship between the graduating seniors and the metaphor of light refracting through a prism. Having this message in mind, we created an identity that combined the soft reflective light of a rainbow with the sharp angles of a prism. 

We implemented this message into our design choices by using a soft and fluid gradient, and a sharp serif font, to balance that relationship. The icon was a representation of the shape of a pyramid. 

This project was a great experience in leadership, creating and exploring a visual identity that could be applied across a variety of deliverables, and practicing the team coordination needed to put on an event that was meant to connect the Boise design community with graduating seniors.

Marketing + Poster Design

I came up with a thorough exploration of poster designs before I landed on the final 11x17 laser print for the main event poster. I used the gradient as a main focal point and highlighted various pieces of information to navigate the reader to our event.

The posters were hung up in a variety of locations in downtown Boise, and given to as many agencies that we could find.

The goal was to create a design that reflected the simplistic, minimalistic feel that our event had, while still catching the eye and drawing attention in a sea of marketing posters.




Lucky Fish